The foundation members of our Association came from China with little education and even less money. They experienced and overcame many difficulties taking whatever opportunities that they could find in their new homeland. Many were successful. Their children were encouraged to work hard and to take advantage of the better circumstances provided by the parents. Some of the stories have been published on our website.
As an Association, we would like to encourage our young people to do well in their chosen studies so that they can build successful careers.
Therefore, the committee has decided to reward our younger members for obtaining educational qualifications by awarding cash awards. These cash awards are for the completion of secondary school NCEA level 3, for undertaking career qualifications requiring at least three years training or for obtaining university degrees. Each year young members of the Association can apply for the awards for qualifications from the previous year.
This year cash awards will be given to those who:-
Award $100 | Pass NCEA Level 3 certificate with an Excellence endorsement |
Award $250 | Gain a career qualification that required at least three years’ training |
Award $250 | Graduate from a University with a recognised degree |
To qualify for one of the above awards, which will be presented at our 35th Anniversary Dinner in May 2019, applicants must:
- Be individual paid up members of the Auckland Zhong Shan Clan Association, Inc;
- Have attained their qualification between February 2018 and January 2019;
- Submit evidence of their academic achievements, such as an official NCEA certificate, official academic transcript, trade certificate, degree certificate, and such relevant documents.
Applications for the above awards are to be sent to vj.choy@gmail.com by 30th March 2019. If eligible, awards will be made by random selection in each category up to the budgeted amount set by the Association.
Apply now. $$$ on offer!
Vernon Choy – Chairman, Academic Awards SubGroup