Date and Time: 6:30 pm, Sunday, 15th September 2024 

Venue: Imperial Palace Restaurant, 519 Ellerslie-Panmure Highway, Mt Wellington

Price per person: Adults $45; $20 for Children 12 years and under ; $60 for non-Members


Please call Peter Ng for reservations on (09) 214 8282 or 021 683 661


To reserve your seats no later than 6th September 2024.

Payment: Please pay funds into the Association’s ASB Bank Account 12-3066-0024201-00

Reference: Your name

Code: Moon Festival

Once you have reserved your seat(s), you are committed to make the payment for the number of seats reserved to the above bank account. There can be no cancellations.

Moon Cakes: A box of Moon Cakes will be presented to each adult member’s family who are present at the function. This change was implemented last year and is different from years prior to 2023 where members 65 years and over received moon cakes. The change is (1) to benefit all members so everyone gets to enjoy of the moon cakes, and (2) for members 65 and over, our Association hosts an Annual Senior Members’ Dinner, which will be held on Saturday, 26 October 2024.


       誠邀各位會員出席 2024 年9月15日中秋節聯歡晚宴.我們將向出席晚宴的每個成年會員家庭贈送壹盒月餅。這項變更於去年實施,與2023年之前65歲以上會員領取月餅的情況不同。此更改是(1) 讓所有會員受益,以便每個人都能享用月餅,以及(2) 對於65 歲及以上的會員,我們將於10 月26 日星期六舉辦耆英宴..。請在報名時知會理事吴振民,以便統計月餅購買的數量。

日期:2024年9月15日星期日 下午6:30
地點:皇庭大酒楼519 Ellerslie-Panmure Highway Auckland
費用:會員每位 $45,12 岁以下儿童 $20, 非會員 $60
報名:請致電 理事吴振民09-2148282,OR 021 683661

截止日期: 2024年9月6日

您亦可透過網上銀行付款ASB acc. no.12-3066-0024201-00
請在參考欄內(reference)填上您的姓名,密碼欄內(code)填上Moon Festival 作參考用。

      AZSCA屋崙中山同鄉會 23/07/ 2024

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